Toenail fungus is no fun. It can also be extremely embarrassing. I know this from first hand experience. Having suffered from toenail fungus on my left big toe for over 30 years. My friends and family all have made fun of my “ugly brown toe” for years. I was embarrassed to take off my socks whenever we would go to someones house to go swimming. At the community pool I would fear running in to someone I know from work in fear that they would look down at my feet. You know what they say….a picture’s worth a thousand words so here’s what my infected fungus ridden toenail has looked like for my adult life.

So a few years ago I said to myself “enough is enough” and I want to take care of this toenail since it’s ugly and I know it can’t be healthy. And here’s what my toenail looks like now! I’m happy to say toenail fungus has finally been eradicated!

I’ll share my top tips for finally getting rid of toenail fungus.
Tips for Curing Toenail Fungus
Patience and Consistency
First off clearing up your toenail fungus is going to take time. So you will need to be patient and you will need to be consistent in applying your treatment. This is going to be a several months long journey at minimum. You should plan for at least a year.
Crystal Flush
First you will want to get Crystal Flush and apply it to your affected toenails every day. I’ve tried countless fungus solutions and this is by far the best. I applied the solution to my toenail every morning after taking a shower. They also offer a dietary supplement that I didn’t take since it has walnuts and I have a nut allergy. Apply Crystal Flush daily and you should see results. Important: Make sure you apply on the edges of the nail bed when you apply Crystal Flush to achieve the best results. You can get it from Amazon here.
Clear Nails Supplement
The supplement I did take was Clear Nails. I believe it was the combination of this supplement and Crystal Flush that really cleared up my nail fungus. I would take 2 supplements every morning. This product has 4 stars on Amazon with over 1500 reviews. Clear Nails is a probiotic fungus inhibitor that I was comfortable taking based on its natural ingredients. You can get it here on Amazon.
Jublia (efinaconazole) is a prescribed medication for toenail fungus that I’ve also used on and off. It’s expensive even with insurance so I haven’t used it consistently. When using it I would apply it in the evening after work. You just apply it with the provided brush on the infected toenails.
So to wrap up, with the right mindset and medicine it is possible for you to get rid of your toenail fungus. With patience, time, and consistency and you will see results! Good luck!